Tuesday, August 28, 2007

#12: Rollyo-down to Freeport, GBI

Part 1: If you've taken the time to follow this blog--have you nothing better to do with your life?--then you'll notice a pattern. I love color. I love images. I love photographs even though I don't do much photography myself these days. If I wait long enough all the possible photographs will be taken anyway. (Not just a pretty face, huh?)
Anywho, my search roll is called "Pretty Pics" with tags including Italy, Bahamas, Ireland, New Mexico, doors, windows. Not terribly intellectual. It's all in the pursuit of a little knowledge--a dangerous thing--& the possibility of future fun.

Why this pic? This signpost has been standing in downtown Freeport since I lived there--it's a long story--in the '70's. A sentimental journey.

Part 2:
After discussing this "tool" with DJ (Darnice Jasper), my fab 23 Things mentor from NJ, I realized that I could, in fact, use Rollyo to create a useful search roll or two for work. I now have added one for coloring/craft resources & one for book talking. I played with the canned "reference" search roll & found that it worked okay if I was selective about the websites. I like that I can not only edit my rolls, but also the canned ones. Now I'm hoping that DJ will have the time & patience to help me add these to my blog.

#11: It's a Library Thing

Okay, I checked this out. (Sorry for the library jargon; no pun intended.) It's yet another "thing" to join and ...what??? I like to keep a file of books & authors OR I actually use the computer & resort to Novelist or Amazon if my memory fails me when doing Reader's Advisory. Some of the links might be useful IF one can remember that's where one saw them. It's just too much effort for too little result. Can you tell I'm winding down today? Terry Pratchett's Discworld series has become a favorite of mine; therefore, the obligatory image above. MG

#10: Two Faces of Jane (aka The Prequel to Three Face of Eve)

I was inspired by Stacey & DJ to play with meez.com after reading their blogs. Very cute. Kinda like playing with interactive paper dolls. These characters represent two different faces of me. This is the"on stage" Jane. This is how I envision myself when I'm performing in Play Partners. (In my next reincarnation I'm hoping to be Tina Turner II!)

The "talk to the hand" is the Mamma Giovanna me. My kitchen has never been this messy; however, it would look like this if it were left to my husband & sons!
At any rate, I can see how one could become mesmerized by "tools" like this. Who gives a damn about dinner and dusting when you can play and play and play...

Thursday, August 23, 2007

#9 Topix.net: Lots of Ice Cream & Belfast News

Signed up for MERLIN. Instead of adding it to my Blogline RSS, I went with iGoogle instead. DJ showed me this option. I like it loads better that Blogline. You should see my home page. It's way cool. I the images on Google.
Next I played with Topix.net It went right to Cooksville. How did it know where I was? Kind of scary. There was an article from the Balto Sun about the Ice Cream Social--where I'll be working--@ Glenwood Community Center tomorrow night.

Then I thought I'd explore my husband's hometown news from Belfast, N. Ireland. (This pic is perfect since Gerry is a Catholic from the Falls Road.) News from a variety of sources. Always an eye-opener to see not only what is "news" in another part of the planet , but also "their" POV on our news.
The other websites linked here, focusing on blogs, are of little interest for me.

#8: RSS= Really Slow Senior

Who am I fooling here? I set up my account with Bloglines. I followed the directions for this one by choosing some quick pick topics that interest me--green thumb (although the deer & rabbits have stolen my thunder!), health nut (important at my age!), vegetarian, BBC News (to try & keep up with Gerry the news aficionado), LII (consummate pro). I should have explored the "gunslinger" option of quick picks--thinking about those deer & rabbits. Interesting results. Too many results! Deleted some. Checked out some of the articles. Tried to add some, looked at some options, but too taxing for my brain tonight. Probably not something I'd use much since I rarely pick up a magazine or newspaper these days. Would rather read or listen to a good book or get stuck into a project. Makes me sound like a RSS (see title).

Thursday, August 16, 2007

More on #2: My 2.0 Learning Contract

Again, this is just for referencing for me & my progress!
#1: One goal--general or specific--over the next 12 weeks. (Finish all 23 things to MY satisfaction--acquaintance w some aspects; confidence in others.)
#2: Potential obstacles to achieving goal--how to overcome. (Dealing w all this technology. It's a "black hole!")
#3: Toolbox--such as headset, digital camera, computer, MP3 player. (Fortunately, we have these @ GLE.)
#4: Resources for help--co-workers. (Time is the issue here.)
#5: Task list--"path." (Well defined by the 23 Things list.)
#6: Check in--look back @ this to help stay on my path. (I'll try to remember.)
#7: Sign it! (--Mamma Giovanna.)

#1, #3 & #4: Back Tracking for a Moment

Just to keep "Things" straight, I'm recording the completion of #1--having read the "23 Things" stuff; #3--as you can see, the blog is up & running; #4--I'm registered & tracking. Hooray for MG!

#2 Thing: Notes on 7 1/2 Habits of HSLL

Thought I'd take some notes on 7 1/2 Habits of Highly Successful Lifelong Learners for posterity.
#1 Begin w/ end in mind. (Finish the job.)
#2 Accept responsibility for my learning. (Always.)
#3 View problems as challenges. (The only way to deal with it.)
#4 Have confidence in self as a competent, effective learner. (I'm trying, but...)
#5 Create your own learning toolbox--books, technology, classes, mentors, friends, Web pages. (I love tools!)
#6 Use technology to your advantage. (I'll believe it when I see it!)
#7 Teach & mentor others. Reinforce & give back. (Will do if I think I'll "do no harm" in the process.)
#7 1/2 PLAY! Important for learning & brain development. (Now I know my problem: not enough fun!)
PS My greatest challenge will be #6 coupled with #4 specifically in the realm of technology. Becoming acquainted the all these technologies is one thing. Understanding them well enough to use & pass on reliable info to customers is a different pot of chili. For me repetition is the key, & all too often, that doesn't happen due to time constraints. I'll give it me best shot.

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

#7: My Anything (Really #6 Cont'd.) More Exploration of Flickr

Tried to log into mappr.com numerous times for over a week without any success. ("Problem loading") Will try again another time. Also experiencing problems getting montager.com to do what I want it to do. Darnice tells me that it's not me this time, but problems with the site.
Aha! Perseverance pays off. Jen mentioned something about allowing "pop-ups"--that little yellow & red thingy at the bottom--might be necessary to make it work. I clicked on it & the montage appeared. Hooray!!!
I was determined to add a cool pic to this entry, but had a h--- of a time--even with Darnice's most excellent coaching. We finally did it! Another bigger HOORAY!!! This is very much fun. Since I'm into collaging, I'm thinking these kinds of mashups offer some interesting possibilities.

#6 Fun with Flickr

Textures Experimental Colr Pickr - Jim Bumgardner
WOW!!! This was so much fun. With an aka of "Rainbow Bright" it's no wonder I had so much fun playing with the color wheel, esp. the doors & windows. This experience makes me want to do more exploring in the area. If you don't hear from me for awhile, you'll know that I'm having too much fun lost in the land of Flickr!

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Thing #5: My Friend Flickr

I'm not quite certain how I did this; however, with Chris H's help I have managed to cut & paste a pic from Venezia (about 60 miles south west of my family's village of Colle di Arba). I must admit that the world of Flickr is fascinating. I'll explore more of the site, especially the geotagged photos & then dream about visiting these places.
PS Please don't ask me to do this task again anytime soon.

Friday, August 10, 2007


I've gotten this far. Miracle! I think I'm way too old for this stuff; however, I'm going to give it the proverbial "college try." Wish Mamma well, please.