Friday, September 21, 2007

#17 Redo (kinda): I'm Back in the Sandbox Again

I was trying to help my co-worker, Robert B., with this one, & got totally confused. It seems that marylandlibrariessandbox has decided to play games. The Favorites home page has totally changed since I originally visited it. Logging in is still the same; however, there's no longer an HCL list to enter your registration. It's actually easier now. I just wish there had been a little note explaining the change. Some of us are easily "gaslite"(?). By the way, I added my 2 cents worth to several "favs" & added my own just for the experience--Mamma G's Favorite Discworlds (my favorite Terry Pratchett titles).

PS I'm still not too crazy about playing in sand!

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