Wednesday, September 5, 2007

#13: A Lucky # for Italians! (or *This Isn't Your Ordinary "Bookmaking!")

It's been awhile since my last post. That's because I became ensnared in the "thing." After viewing "Several Habit of Wildly Successful Users" plus messing around with it on my own--I should know better at my age--my pal & mentor, DJ, came to my rescue AGAIN. Now I understand the basics of this tool. Lo & behold, it makes sense, & I think it will be of value for me. Imagine that!?! Since I move among at least 5 computers at GLE plus mine at home, what an efficient way to get to my bookmarks. (NB: I have managed to create a delightful, "cloud." Please look to your right. Ta-dah!!)
As for the social networking thing, I'll pass on that aspect at this point. I'll continue to add tags when I have time. I like this "thing."
*What does this mean? Refer to our Tracking Log #13. I called Jaye to tease her re our "social bookmaking site" activity. Too much time with the Sopranos, perhaps?

1 comment:

Darnice said...

So who do you like in the fifth at Pimlico :)